
Friday, August 31, 2012

Women Without Her Man is Nothing

" Woman without her man is nothing "

Seorang professor di sebuah Universiti menulis ayat di atas pada papan putih dan meminta pelajarnya meletakkan tanda bacaan agar ayat tersebut dapat dibaca dengan intonasi yang betul.

Keluar seorang pelajar lelaki dan menulis: "Women, without her man, is nothing"

Pelajar perempuan pula tampil dan menulis: "Women, without her, man is nothing"

p/s: congrats to all u who opened ur eyes!!! ^_^ two meanings come across.


Fadzmie said...

That's why when discussing any idea for example, a project, better to have bigger discussion group because the more heads in a group, the broader view of ideas they will get. ;)

d.angel said...

yuppss...u r definitely right. :)

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